Projects in Ostawolt Games Community

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Ladies and gentlemen, Fredbear's beta jumpscare animation HAS BEEN FOUND! Apparently @OstawoltGames had it the whole time, just never looked deep enough into the abyss of his files lol

I wonder

We gettin' new jumpspooks for When The Lights Go Dim…

Why has this game just become so popular all of a sudden...the discord server is blowing up and we have gotten so many followers recently...who has done this? I know it wasn't me lmao

Forgot to mention, but progress has been made on the recoded ports

The House Next Door gamepage has been getting a couple of changes/updates including adding gameplay and story, we promise more stuff will be coming once @my_alt_acc finishes up with the house model (which should be tomorrow)

So with Cake now (tempoarily) gone from the internet, we need a new composer for The House Next Door, please help out we're mildly desperate.

Story has been added to the gamepage after (a lot) of story making...

Might try to bring this back in the future